อุปกรณ์แปลงสัญญาณRS485/422/232to TCP/IP,DLMS COSEM, IEC 62056

DLMS-Modbus TCP/RTU Gateway 

Gateway for fast reading of data on the counters with DLMS. 
Instantaneous conversion of the readings in Modbus RTU or TCP.

                The DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) is used as part of the counters and in particular for the energy meter data reading. Reference standard is IEC62056.

It is based on the services that allow you to read objects, defined OBIS, on which values of the meter are mapped within meters standard profiles.

Marcom provides a gateway DLMS - MODBUS, through which you can read by communicating with MODBUS RTU or MODBUS TCPProtocol the data made available by meter equipped with a DLMS.





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