DLMS, PROFIBUS, CANopen, Ethernet Industriale, PROFInet, MODBUS, LONWORKS, METERBUS (M-BUS), DALI, Konnex - Eibus, BACnet e InterBus.

Our Skills

We offer specific expertise in the field bus with advice, studies feasibility, solution integration, training courses.
We perform design and construction of DLMS, PROFIBUS, CANopen, Ethernet Industriale, PROFInet, MODBUS, LONWORKS, METERBUS (M-BUS), DALI, Konnex - Eibus, BACnet e InterBus.
We design and develop control systems and exchange data for industry plants. In particular we are able to produce OPC Server, OPC Client and drivers under customer direct specifications. The training courses enable our customers to acquire the autonomy and the knowledge required for their work.

We offer expertise and solutions for monitoring and control systems Energy production (wind, solar, biogas, biomass, cogeneration and tri-generation). More information

We sell devices for LonWorks networks

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